I'm stopping with this blog

i mean, i still love kpop tho (like, yolo yolo yolo yo where did my normal life go), and also i got into jpop, but i have like, i'm just too busy with school, and i really need to focus on that-

i'm sorry💔😭


Weekly Meme Nr. Idk why i'm still counting since i lost the amount of memes

y'all you can kill me for saying this, but who are the people on the 2th and 3th pic?

Hehe oops

Hey y'all, i've been inactive for a while, but i wasn't really in the mood to post hehe. Anyways, i have done the most confusing and questionable thing in history. My classmates may want a new classmate now tehehe (idk why i write hehe instead of haha, just let me be okay), it's that weird.

Like, i wrote the names of 106 k-pop artists on a paper without thinking, and that may sound weird, but it gets worse; i forgot some of the artist names (i'm so bad, like literally, BAAAAAD, now i can't watch vlive videos of nu'est for 5 minutes as punishment - wait that's too extreme) as example the members of nct, i forgot Yuta and Haechan WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF someone come to here and take away my k-pop merch because i don't deserve it (aka my schoolbooks too since it has pics of bts on it hehehehehe)

Since y'all see my life is boring, i got no life, and no inspiration for a blogpost. SOMEONE SAVE THIS KID

oyea and i named my baby in the sims after Jisung from nct, wannaone, trcng or stray kids, whatever group you like the most haha.


Current song playing - GDragon R.O.D



My last words for Jonghyun

I was in class when i heard the news, and i started to cry so hard. But my classmates came to me, to make me feel better. Not that it helped, because after 6 hours after reading it, i still got tears. We've lost an incredibly amazing, sweet, and kindhearted person, who created a laugh on many of our faces. For some he was the reason not to give up, for others he was the reason for their joy. Even though he seemed so happy, he wasn't, and it breaks my heart i didn't saw it. If i only could turn back the clock, to give him everything he needed and could give him a smile, at this moment i don't want anything more.

My condolences go out to everyone who had a band or good contact with him, his family, friends, the staff and the others of SHINee. You may lost your best friend, son, nephew, brother, bandmate or neighbour, but he will say hi from the sky. Because we may have lost a star on the stage, but we gained a star in the sky.

An angel on earth, he became an angel in heaven ♥

My personal poem for him;

O good old days 
O say 'Hello'
If i only knew
That you would go
O my dearest angel
O my sweet goodbyes
This was the last time
I could hear you sing live
If i only knew that you'll past 
I made you an art
But now it's just a photo and a candle
But you'll be forever in my heart

Depression is a serious disease, and everyone could have it, even the people who you don't expect it from. Please talk about it with people you trust, because no one deserves to feel this way.


My opinions on some new kpopfans

Hey there, i'm back, since i got no life ;-;
Today i'm gonna talk about some of the new fangirls, since kpop is getting really popular. I know that there are a lot of sweet new fangirls/boys and i am glad they're part of the fandom. But there are also a lot of new fangirls who are annoying as f*ck (Mostly armys, sorry but it's true), and who need to hush immediately.

Like, they are straight up kboos, and use random korean words in every sentence, or call every asian men they see 'oppa' (which i already find really cringy. I feel you Kook), or try to look 'korean'. You know how you can look korean? When you ARE ONE.

The other annoying thing is (which i saw a lot on my social media's and games i play), if you post a photo of a kpop group (Which i had with nu'est) they mostly are like '..... is better' 'where is .....' or 'that group is nothing compared to ....', and they also start fanwars. Excuse me but it's not that there's only one kpop group, there are plenty of groups and you can support more than one. Just saying.

This is not an attack, like i've said earlier. Because i also met a lot of new kpop fangirls who are very cheerful and supportive, they're really nice. But those new fangirls who have no respect for the groups and their fanbase really give the kpop fan group a bad image.

Also, every kpop group works so hard and so much to become a good singer, dancer etc. And they've been trainees for a long time before debut. Some of them had to give up their childhood to become a kpop star. So it's really hurtful and disrespectful if you bash them like that. It's okay if you like one group more than the other, but please don't say that out loud. You also can listen to your faves music without dragging other groups down.

The mere mortal child has spoken. bye.


BTS DNA Japanese Ver. Reaction

Hey y'all, it's been awhile since the last post of me and i'm sorry. But look, i'm back. And today i'm gonna talk about The BTS DNA Japanese version etc.

It's EP like or something? It has 3 songs, which includes; DNA (Japanese Version), Mic Drop (Japanese Version) and a new song in Japanese called Crystal Snow.

Here's the cover of the EP like thingy;

Personally i didn't really liked the Japanese version of DNA, but maybe that's because i've heard the song DNA a little too much. And in my opinion i find it a little extra to release 4 versions of Mic Drop, but i don't dislike it, because it sounds good tho, i love the song. Although, i really wish they get some rest, because they're working too much, and that's not healthy. PLEASE GIVE MY BOYS SOME REST! And about the song Crystal Snow, it's definitely one of my favorite songs at this moment, because it's a relaxing, slow song, which i truly like. Also it gives me kinda christmas vibes, you get me?

I sorta got a heartattack when i saw this, because i was in class and was listening to music (that's allowed on my school, yay), and i really tried not to fangirl, which failed. But i could listen to the music with one of my friends, and she did really liked the song Crystal Snow too!

And now i hope they get some rest, and enjoy their holidays, and Tae his birthday ♥

See you soon! X

(p.s i also saw that the boyz debuted, exo released a new MV, HyunA released a new MV etc. I saw this too, and i loved the exo mv, the new group, but i'm not really a fan of HyunA (i'm sorry). Also i don't think i will post more this month, because of school and holidays. But i'll be probably back end Dec or January ♥)

Link to the Mic Drop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mBHDHIb-kM (Don't forget to stream the MV! Army fighting!)
Link to Crystal Snow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5yAgHa-2BM
Link to DNA (Jap Ver.) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeCXDEmPT00
Link to the EP Cover - https://i.scdn.co/image/85c391c27f33e920189c969c87ca983b0e59a6ac


My current favorite groups and why

Hey everyone! It's a me, a mere mortal child! First of all, i'm sorry i'm so inactive. But you already guess it, ugh, that's because of school. But next month i will have holiday, so then i'll be online often. Also i have something sad to tell you. Because of school, i have to change my amount of blogpost per week, or two weeks, to 1. That means that the daily/weekly meme will stop existing. I'm so sorry, but it really takes a lot time to search something funny on the internet, while i actually have to concentrate on my future (I know what i want to study, so i have to learn the right thing for it). :(

Anyways, today i will talk about my favorite artists/bg of this moment, and why i like them. Leeeeeeeeeet's go!

1) Nu'est W (or just Nu'est)
They're definitely together with bts on no1, because i really love them! They all have such a beautiful personality and charm, and they can always make me happy. Like, they're so goofy sometimes, it really makes me laugh. Also, they're very handsome (also i learn a lot about makeup and fashion because of Ren hahahaha). BUT LETS TALK ABOUT THEIR VOCALS HOLY MACARONI!!!! I swear, these kids have actually talent! Their songs are always on point, and their videos are so lit! (jup i said lit, get over 'it') Also their live performances are simply beautiful. Like the live performance of ONEKIS2 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnniIPI8BwQ ) is so beautiful, i shed a tear.

2) Bts
Jup you saw this coming, i even pimped my schoolstuff with their beautiful faces. They're just so kind, sweet, funny and *sigh* AMAZING! I really love them with all my heart, and i'm glad i've found them. They have a special place in my heart.

3) Zico
Nothing more to say than LEGEND, htdgrxnklcbijhbnfogjbg. You get me right?

Also i listen to Kyary Pamyu PAmyu, Agnez Mo, GD, Lady Gaga, Amber, Rassya and Selena Gomez a lot atm.


Studying For Kpoppers

Hey, it's yo weirdo! Back with a new blogpost! (Okay this is the last time i do that whahaha). Today i'm going to give you some tips for how to study when you're a fangirl. Because i know it's really hard to combine those two things, but luckily i got some tips hehehe;

1) Make a day planning; and only do 5 to 7 tasks a day (or less) so you have enough time for fun things. Plan watching videos, photos or 'fangirling' too, but only do it when you have the most important stuff done.
2) Set an alarm; Make sure that you have all your tasks done at a time you've set in an alarm (like, make work till 7PM and then you can listen to music or something)
3) Set your phone on silent/off; When i'm in class, or when i'm studying, i make sure my phone is off or on silent. Than i'm not focussed on my phone and i can do my work fast and efficient.
4) Make a playlist; if you don't like silence while working, you can set a playlist on (low volume) and listen to soft music. I recommend instrumental music, so you don't get off easily. Like; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmLfeqkhfHI&t=2800s

It's not a kpop related post, but since here in Holland it was test-week (a lot of tests and homework), i thought it may come at a good time.  Because don't forget what they said in Pied Piper ;)


My Kpop Amino

Is 'LO/\E YOUU', it's a gif of Minki and i'm lvl 5/6. So if you have kpop amino, please message me, or follow and i will check your page! <3


I'm a little late, but i had a lot of work to do (As usual... School's giving up homework way too much, i swear!). But, i saw last weekend, or monday on my Twitter that BTS is nominated for the AMA's and is also going to perform there! (Fuck you MAMA)

At first sight, i'm obviously very excited and also very proud of the boys! Because look where they were round 2013/2014, and look how big they are now! They have so much impact on people, gained so much fame and fans. Earned so much money etc. I'm getting really emo if i'm thinking about when they first started. Honestly i'm even more than proud, i can't even describe it ordinary, it's just- WOWW!

But at second sight, i'm also very afraid. Because what if AMA (And the whole American/Western Music Industry) only used them for views, votes and sales? Just because they're so popular now, and know how much 12/21 year olds buy these days related to idols merchandise? I'm seriously lowkey scared that America is just using them.

But yeah, they are going to perform there, so i am really happy for them, and they do deserve it! Also when Justin Bieber is attending there, and Jungkookie is asking for a collaboration or picture, he better gives it! I mean, look, i do support Justin, but if he's gonna make Kookie sad i'm gonna chong jojun balsa his motherfucking ass.

Also, i read on Twitter that Desiigner and BTS are going to do a collaboration/remix of MIC Drop! I mean, i don't know Desiigner very well, but i saw BTS really likes them, so i like him too. And i know some songs of him, and they're lit. And since i'm good at math formulas, i know that lit x lit = ultra lit! So i'm ready for it (although *honestly* i don't know if i'm going to sneak out of class for this, since i'm more busy with school than with Kpop. I'm sorry, but it's true. I still have an obsession and fricking love BTS and Nu'est (and other groups too of course), but i think school is more important right now)!