BTS DNA Japanese Ver. Reaction

Hey y'all, it's been awhile since the last post of me and i'm sorry. But look, i'm back. And today i'm gonna talk about The BTS DNA Japanese version etc.

It's EP like or something? It has 3 songs, which includes; DNA (Japanese Version), Mic Drop (Japanese Version) and a new song in Japanese called Crystal Snow.

Here's the cover of the EP like thingy;

Personally i didn't really liked the Japanese version of DNA, but maybe that's because i've heard the song DNA a little too much. And in my opinion i find it a little extra to release 4 versions of Mic Drop, but i don't dislike it, because it sounds good tho, i love the song. Although, i really wish they get some rest, because they're working too much, and that's not healthy. PLEASE GIVE MY BOYS SOME REST! And about the song Crystal Snow, it's definitely one of my favorite songs at this moment, because it's a relaxing, slow song, which i truly like. Also it gives me kinda christmas vibes, you get me?

I sorta got a heartattack when i saw this, because i was in class and was listening to music (that's allowed on my school, yay), and i really tried not to fangirl, which failed. But i could listen to the music with one of my friends, and she did really liked the song Crystal Snow too!

And now i hope they get some rest, and enjoy their holidays, and Tae his birthday ♥

See you soon! X

(p.s i also saw that the boyz debuted, exo released a new MV, HyunA released a new MV etc. I saw this too, and i loved the exo mv, the new group, but i'm not really a fan of HyunA (i'm sorry). Also i don't think i will post more this month, because of school and holidays. But i'll be probably back end Dec or January ♥)

Link to the Mic Drop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mBHDHIb-kM (Don't forget to stream the MV! Army fighting!)
Link to Crystal Snow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5yAgHa-2BM
Link to DNA (Jap Ver.) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeCXDEmPT00
Link to the EP Cover - https://i.scdn.co/image/85c391c27f33e920189c969c87ca983b0e59a6ac

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