Weekly Meme Nr. Who Cares

I keep forgetting the numbers, gosh! Anyways, i lost my life because of school (so much tests and homework!). Also i lost my mind by the song 'likey' from TWICE, it's such an addictive and amazing song! I keep singing it, very love it! (Ik, that wasn't english, but let's pretend it was)

(oh and about this meme, one of my friends sended it to me, because she loves 2PM (i give her right, they're amazing) and i thought, actually this is funny, so let's post it! Right? If it's not funny, i will post it again because i am THAT bitch. :)
Btw is it weird i have a crush on Jay park? It's that he's 15 years older than me, lives on the other side of the world, kind of, i'm not his type (Maybe Zico, i have a Hello Kitty obsession). But yeah, LOOK AT HIS DAMN VISUALS! BOY LOOK, LOOK WOAH! {Under this pic or something, it is him} (Goddamnit, D. Learn English you dumb ass kid) Anyways, bye.

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