BTS as things my baby sister does

I thought it'll be fun if i do a kind of reaction thing. So i'm gonna do a 'bts as things my baby sister does' thingy. This is all for fun, not for humiliation. I deeply love bts

Seokjin: Eat all the food and pokes people with a pink magic wand
Yoongi: Always sleeps on the most random places, and get angry when you wake him up
Hoseok: Yells a lot and always smiles very widely
Namjoon: Breaks almost everything he touch and monthly to the hospital
Jimin: Hugs a lot, but also punch you very hard in your stomach
Taehyung: Runs around and loves to play with other little children
Jungkook: Is a baby
(i had to sorry xD)

Hopefully you found this funny, and if not, mehhh xD

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